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USAID to provide $202 million in grant to Bangladesh

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will provide $202.25 million in aid to Bangladesh as part of the Development Objective Grant Agreement (DOAG).
AKM Shahabuddin, additional secretary of the Economic Relations Division, and Reed J Aeschliman, mission director of USAID, signed the 6th amendment on behalf of their respective governments today at the state guest house Padma in Dhaka, according to a press release from the Ministry of Finance.
The DOAG, signed on September 27, 2021, is designed to cover the 2021-2026 period, with a total commitment of $954 million from USAID.
USAID has provided $425 million through the first five amendments. Under the 6th amendment, USAID will grant an additional $202.25 million, focusing on three key areas: good governance, social and economic opportunity, and resilience.
The United States has been a longstanding development partner of Bangladesh since 1972. Through the 1974 Economic, Technical, and Related Assistance Agreement, the US has contributed over $8 billion across various sectors, including democracy and governance, food security, health, education, and climate change, primarily through USAID and other US agencies, the press release added.
